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art openings, music events, poetry/spoken word, performing arts, open mics, dance, fund raisers, parties etc. around Jersey City, and Hoboken

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brought to you by Fish with Braids Gallery, sponsored by
Uta Brauser


send to fishwithbraids@gmail.com
subject line "submission" please

Sunday, March 4, 2012

 March 11, 12pm - 4 pm, Liberty Science Center

a celebration of all things PIE and PI! Fun PI-E Day activities include; blue ribbon pie baking contest, pie café, pie/pi eating contest, pie walks, pi games, pi crafts, pi-e in the face painting, balloons and more.
BLUE RIBBON PIE CONTEST; Enter The ...Blue Ribbon Pie Baking contest. Entry forms available at LCCS or download them at www.jerseycitypi-eday.com
Advance Tickets
Limited number of discounted advance sale tickets (JUST $10 or $30 a family!) available through LCCS (includes Liberty Science Center Day Pass)
Proceeds benefit Friends of LCCS
Day of Tickets
Day of Liberty Science Center Admission Discount of $5 when you bring an 8” store bought pie to donate to The Community Food Bank of NJ for 3/11/12 only!
For more information contact;