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art openings, music events, poetry/spoken word, performing arts, open mics, dance, fund raisers, parties etc. around Jersey City, and Hoboken

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brought to you by Fish with Braids Gallery, sponsored by
Uta Brauser


send to fishwithbraids@gmail.com
subject line "submission" please

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Art Strike, bands and bowling fundraiser

march 26, Barrow Mansion, 83 Wayne street
7.30 till midnight,
afterparty at Lucky 7

BOWLING,  BANDS !! free bowling with DJ Motorfunker
Fundraiser for Creative Grove artist & designer market
and 58 Gallery longevity.
Tickets $20 or $15 with non perishable food for the St. Matthews church pantry,

we always accept higher donations with open arms

please have a lot of fun while fundraising!!
ticket presales fridays at CREATIVE GROVE (2 - 8 pm, Grove street x Newark ave)
or online www.creativegrove.org, paypal address creativegrove@gmail.com
find us on facebook,
art strike (event)
creativegrove artist & designer market
58 gallery

Bands line up:  Roland Ramos, The Radio Exiles, June Star, Ladell McLin, Wyldlife