Halloween and Zombie build up
Oct 18, Grove Street PATH plaza, Jersey City
3pm - 9 pm
DJ Stoic Flow (girl deejay!!) explores the art of sound collage and genre destruction. There are no boundaries, no clearly-defined terms of categorization. There is only great music and pure passion.
"If music be the food of love, play on." -William Shakespeare
Look at crazy hats and costume ideas by our local artists,
Face paint planning
Find amazingly crafted goods by designers, bones, leather, jewelery, crochet, furs, fake furs, ceramics, metal work
and tons of vinyl records
Artists this week:
Ibou Ndoye, Sarah Johns, Uta Brauser, Eva Moll, Steven Mitchell, Paul Richard
and those unannounced surprise arteests
The art fridge has a new color supply after the art rage by various kids,
all WASHABLE paint, but for parents it is advised to bring a throwaway
Tshirt as cover for the clothing.
the artfridge is a public participatory project brought to you by Uta Brauser