Paste and Pace your stay at home Burners weekend
Aug 30 on the plaza with
DJ Purple stuff : he will make you pace around to the deepest electronic trance beats,
take you on a Black Rock desert journey right here in Jersey City,
Bring your glow in the dark gear, light up pois, accessories, hoola hoops and LED gadgets
to experience the vibe.
Reference: Burning Man in Nevada, our inspirational American subculture art fest and
gifting economy, life style influence for who has been blessed to be there.
For all our friends who made it to Black Rock this year, we celebrate and dance with you in spirit!
Paste paper based items onto the maniquins that grow each week into a paper wheat paste sculpture!
Join the fun
find the locally made creativity and stylish designs
at CreativeGrove artist & designer market
Fridays at Grove Street PATH plaza, 3 -9 pm
burner images borrowed from web