Hope you have all been having a very good summer! I'm excited to invite you to participate in our next group show which will be featured
during the September JC Fridays weekend (Sept 6th & 7th) as well as on display during the Jersey City Artists Studio Tour weekend (October
5th & 6th).
The theme of the show is simple: I GREENVILLE
We are seeking visual art of all styles (paintings, photographs, collage, drawings, sculpture etc) made by people living in Greenville
or depicting Greenville in some way. So if you live (or lived) here you get free rein! You have earned it and it will be my pleasure to
provide a space in the neighborhood to share and display your work pertaining to anything you like. If you live in a different neighborhood but
would like to participate just make sure that your work somehow pertains to Greenville....use it as an excuse to visit and take pictures or make sketches,
learn more about our neighborhood at the library (we have a beautiful branch on Kennedy Blvd which also houses the Afro-American Historical Society Museum)
or online and create a collage or an essay or a timeline....or some other neat Greenville inspired projects : )
Also, in the hopes of adding another dimension to the mix, we are looking for MUSIC this time as well! Bands, singer/song writers, poets
and rappers are encouraged to get in touch with me as I would love to schedule at least one audio element as a main event for each of the
days in question. So if you are reading this and are involved with music, please write...either with a description of your own music or with
ideas on folks to contact who might be interested in performing.
As always there will be light refreshments from some of our nearby neighborhood businesses as well as a great exhibit to check out!
From a promotional point of view, any spreading of the word is much appreciated....post on your facebook page or tell your friends and
neighbors who might like to participate or come visit! I will have flyers and postcards to hand out myself but to also share with any
of you who would be able to spread them around the city at local businesses, libraries, churches and other neighborhood spots for info.
And of course for those of you who participate to invite your friends and family with.
Speaking of which many of you have become MY friends (and my Jersey City Family : ) and I would love to be able to mail you a postcard,
with a stamp and everything, so please let me know your mailing address if you would enjoy receiving some old-fashion, tangible mail.
Hoping to create a nice map for the show with pushpins for people to show where in Greenville they either live, have lived or have
possibly depicted in their work, think it would be a neat interactive feature : )
Ideally it would be great to have everyone's work by August 31st, but as always I'd rather be flexible and have a great varied show
if people need a little extra time...just make arrangements with me. But let's just say, for arguments sake, DEADLINE AUGUST 31ST.
email to elizabeth deegan