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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the tempest open mic/ jam sessions @ lamppost

the tempest open mic/jam session. starting weds jan 5th at the lampost in jc.

2011 ushers is new beginings, along with the tempest open mic/jam session; a brand new open forum for musicians in jersey city. Included in the jam is a house band consisting of a drummer and a bassist.

Moderated by local musician Roland Ramos, guests are invited to play solo or with the house band. Sign up begins at 8:30pm and performances will continue until midnight, or until the bartender says so. Musicians are encouraged to bring their own instruments and amps. If that is not possible, musician guests are invited to use house equiptment, upon discretion of house musicians, ie; house musicians have a right to say no. Poets are welcome and encouraged to perform with the backing band.

The success and longevity of the open mic/ jam is based soley on attendance. We will gladly continue the jam provided it is supported by the local community. We wish to fill a need where local musicians and poets can practice, rehearse, and garner inspiration from those around them.

For more information, please contact roland.ramos77@gmail.com or 201-394-9891.