dec 29 (wednesday) 5 - 8 pm
264 Fairmount Space
Uptown Crew is psyched to host another
TEEN Open Mic
If you came to our first TEEN Open Mic last July, you know about the talent and inspiration that is alive in the creative youth among us. Uptown Crew is committed to keeping this forum open to teens, especially during school breaks at the holidays and in the spring and summer, so watch our Facebook pages and website for upcoming TEEN events.
Admission is FREE to teens.
Adults, please support Uptown Crew with a suggested $5 donation.
Refreshments available.
TEENS: This event is all acoustic and open to ages 13 - 19.
Bring your music, poetry, spoken word, comedy, performance art...
We also invite teen actors to bring their acting monologues!
(Yes, Uptown Crew does theatrical productions!)
Teens under 16, please bring a chaperone or have your parent/guardian contact Uptown Crew's Director by email: