Directed by Ari Folman, "Waltz with Bashir" (2008) is an award-winning animated documentary that depicts Folman's search for lost memories from the time he was a soldier in the 1982 Lebanon War. Predominately depicted in animation, the film is a fascinating amalgam of music from different genres, realistic graphics, and surrealistic imagery. This forum will focus on discussing why Folman decided to tell a tumultuous period in his life using animation over live action--and in turn how this may have helped him constructively regain a memory.
Runtime: 90 min
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew | Arabic | German | English
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew | Arabic | German | English
Film starts at 7:30, discussion to follow
FREE admission; donations appreciated.
Beverages will be available, but please leave food at the door.
Jersey City Art School, 326 5th Street, Ground Floor